Autism Habilitation Center

Construction of a new building intended to house an autism training centre

Work start: 2021
End of works:
Client: A18 Onlus
State: Completed


Construction of a new building intended to house an autism training centre.
The building, measuring approximately 950 m2, consists of: offices, common areas, a residential area with bedrooms and bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, clinics. The building has an organization in macro functional environments and is divided into two main parallel arms, connected transversally by two other perpendicular smaller arms which, intersecting, form two internal courtyards.
The outdoor area is used as greenery with an area intended to house a physiotherapy pool. The building is made with isotex perimeter masonry which allows to contain energy consumption. The roof of the two parallel arms has a sloping pitch and is made of wood, while the two transversal connections have a flat brick and cement roof.
